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Whole Cloves 22.04 Lb Case

– Appearance: Whole cloves are small, dried flower buds that are dark brown in color. They have a nail-like shape with a rounded top and a tapered stem.
– Aroma: Cloves have a strong, sweet, and spicy aroma with hints of warmth and earthiness.
– Taste: Cloves have a pungent and slightly bitter taste with a distinct sweetness and a hint of astringency.
– Ingredients: Whole cloves are not typically combined with other ingredients as they are used as a standalone spice.
– Shelf Life: Whole cloves can last up to 2-3 years if stored properly in an airtight container away from light, heat, and moisture.
– Common Uses: Whole cloves are commonly used as a spice in both sweet and savory dishes. They are often used to flavor baked goods, such as gingerbread cookies and fruitcakes. Cloves are also used to add depth and warmth to savory dishes like stews, curries, and marinades. Additionally, they are used in pickling, mulled beverages, and spice blends like garam masala.